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Hiring a Freelance IT project manager

The value of IT Program Management

Delivering real change is difficult without a central point of focus. Trying to manage change or a specific delivery of IT infrastructure or software, either on premises or in the cloud must be orchestrated by a single point of reference.

Just as a conductor ensures an orchestra is in sync to deliver a stunning piece of music with various pieces coming in at different times according to a schedule, so too is the program manager instrumental in ensuring the correct delivery model is deployed, whether that be waterfall or agile, or a mix of the two. The program manager is the conductor.

IT Program Management ensures that constituent parts of a program or project are progressing as per an agreed plan, helping to provide regular updates to stakeholders that have a vested interest in the outcome of the delivery of a product or service.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail

The role is essential to the successful delivery of any program of work, without which is likely to result in delivery delays, budget overruns, and expectations mismanagement.

At Outvise, you can find experienced IT Program Management experts in just 48 hours.

Be that for a simple and quick migration, a full end-to-end transformation involving hardware, software or data either in the cloud or on premises, or simply an assurance review of your current state.

Certified IT project managers in the Network

case study
IT Project Manager case study for a telecommunications provider in Asia

Challenge, Context, Problems to be solved

The company drive embodies being able to deliver excellence in experience for all participants in its value chain. This includes being able to bring disparate parts of the organization and its ecosystem together, in a digitally-led world. In order to achieve this, big data and data analytics sits at the heart of the way the business is driven – being able to understand what has happened in the past and the future effects of it, as well as the actions that are required.

Mission, tools and methodology

The role of the IT Project Manager was to build a new platform from the ground up; something which would be robust enough to support all the company’s current and future reporting and analytics requirements, as well as something that was capable of IoT, machine learning and deep learning in the IR4.0 era.
To enable this, a profound change was required in the way people, processes and technology interrelatedly operated.

Achieved results

  • Enterprise-wide Single source
  • Self Service BI
  • Machine Learning & Predictive Analytics
  • Data Quality
  • Near Real Time Event-Based Campaigns
  • Data Science & Data Analytics CoE


Must have skills for an IT Project Manager

An IT Project Manager must combine technical, business, team and program management skills.

Technical skills:

  • Enterprise Data Governance (Data Quality Management, Data Strategy, Meta Data, Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence)
  • Big Data Analytics Design & Implementation
  • Cloudera Hadoop (HDFS, HIVE, Spark, Sqoop, Kafka)
  • Visualisation Software (Tableau & PowerBI)
  • Data Centre planning, rollout and migrations
  • Business continuity planning
  • Transaction banking operations
  • Trading floor operations
  • API Management System rollout (MuleSoft)
  • End-2-end Telecoms infrastructure deployment
  • Banking telecoms connectivity and service management
  • Trading floor voice services and infrastructure
  • Telecoms sales, marketing and product development
  • Technical network capabilities including fixed line, CPE, LAN, WAN, Network, Broadband, Voice, Fibre, PSTN

Business management skills:

  • Business Transformation & Change Management
  • Strategic and Agile Delivery (Tribe Master, Scrum Master, Coach & Facilitator)
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Business Readiness
  • Benefits Realisation
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Strategic Cost Reduction
  • Cost Modelling & Tracking
  • Cost Initiative Development
  • Target Operating Model design
  • Process Improvement (DMAIC)
  • End-2-End Customer Journey Mapping
  • Operations Excellence

Team & program management skills:

  • Large Team Management (75+)
  • People Management
  • Driving Successful Teams
  • Project Organisation and Staffing
  • PMO & Programme Planning
  • Programme Governance
  • Financial Planning and Reporting
  • Contract Management
  • Programme Infrastructure Management
  • Master Work Plan and Schedule
  • Scope Control and Change Management
  • Risk Management
  • Data and Documents Management
  • Communications Management