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case study

Management Consultant Case study for a Financing company

case study

Management Consultant Case study for a Financing company

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Challenge / Problems to be solved

Market-penetration strategy for the German market for a British financing company.

Solution & Methodology

Project management, guiding the process based on strategic best-practice methodology, implementation road map and business plan (MS Excel), know-how transfer with regard to strategic tools and methods, as well as German market expertise in SME financing, i.e. particularities of German SME financing structures and typical German SME financing behavior.

Analytics & research - core enabler of successful strategies

Results achieved

  • Successfully defined new market strategy and received CEO approval.
  • Over the following 3 years the company achieved significant market growth, both in new customers but also in revenue per existing customer base.

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A project delivered to
Bibby Financial Services is the UK's leading independent invoice finance specialist, currently providing cash flow funding for over 10000 businesses.
A project delivered to
Bibby Financial Services is the UK's leading independent invoice finance specialist, currently providing cash flow funding for over 10000 businesses.